How Do Screens and Monitors Affect Your Vibe?

How Do Screens and Monitors Affect Your Vibe?

During the workday, we all know the benefits of having a home office. You don't have to dress up, commute, ditch your pets, or forego simple home tasks for 8-10 hours of your day. You can maximise the day for things that you want to get done.

But, what happens when you are finished your workday? In a lot of cases, despite the benefits of working from a home office, the major problem is disconnecting at the end of the day. Over the last few years, many of us have had to spontaneously rearrange our homes to make room for a home office, and end up with computer monitors, cables, and office chairs decorating the nooks and crannies of our apartments and houses. A 2019 Forbes article listed the following as one of the major mental health concerns for people working from home:

"Poorly defined physical boundaries between a worker’s personal life and professional life (such as working from bed) can lead to poorly defined boundaries in time and mental thought processes, causing a difficulty in “unplugging"."

How does it make you feel when you are cooking dinner, and you keep seeing your work computer monitor in the corner of your eye? Does it make you feel like work is still looming over your off time? How about when you have friends over, and your huge TV screen ends up being the focal point of the party because it takes up half the wall of the living room? There are so many times when I feel like a beautifully printed cover over my computer monitor or TV screen would be beneficial, but maybe I am biased ;)

If you want to protect your investment in computer monitors or TV screens from dust and spills, improve your home decor, and hide your home office from plain sight, Conscious Covers screen and monitor covers are the thing for you. It is really sursprising that a product such as this doesn't already exist because professionals, from real estate agents to psychologists, recommend against having your home cluttered with screens or monitors.

Let us know if the comments if you have a screen or monitor that affects the vibe of your home, and how you solve that problem? We love to connect with you and hear about other solutions in this space.

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